
Saturday, 11 April 2015

Lee Stafford Chopstick Styler

I recently posted a picture over on my Instagram of me rocking some serious curls and a lot of you were asking how I achieved this look.

The secret is a fabulous hair tool by Lee Stafford that I picked up for an absolute bargain at only £20! I bought this little beauty at Argos having read one of my favourite blogger, Beautyandtheblog's, post on how she created this look. I didn't believe it was going to work as well as it did due to the price but I was very pleasantly surprised! The name of this is the 'chopstick styler'; it gets it's name from the thin wand thats not much thicker than an actual chopstick which allows you to have super tight curls that almost look as though they come natural!


I'll be honest girls, it is rather time consuming but it does depend on your hair type. Mine is long and relatively thick so this takes me around 40 minutes. I have however, recently scrunch dried the underneath section of hair (my hair naturally goes curly once scrunch dried) and focused the styler on the top section only which only takes around 20 minutes but the results aren't as good. 

The method I use is to curl 1/2cm wide peices of hair at a time and I wrap the hair around the wand and hold in place for around 10 seconds and then I unwrap my hair. Once all of my hair is curled I use a wide toothed detangling comb to break up the curls and prevent them from looking so uniform. 

Product wise I find that I need to use a fair amount of oil to prevent my hair from looking frizzy and flyaway. I also use a small amount of hairspray to keep the curls in place. l only apply oil to my mid- length and ends and only spray with a fine hairspray something like Loreal Elnette; try not to use anything too heavy or too much hairspray to avoid 'crispy' looking curls (you all know what I mean!).
This look can last me up to 3 days with the occasional touch up or recurl of small sections after sleeping.

Let me know what you think and whether this is something you would try too!  


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